Redji is the youngest member of the team. She is a passionate creative and very dedicated to her art. In her free time, she likes to read comic books and novels, play online games, watch good movies and tv and do more art.
Specialty: I am a wild card with art styles right now, but I love character design
Fave Tools: I use medibangpaint on digital and a simple sketch pad for traditional
Most Influential Creatives: That would be myself- just kidding! Ethan Becker or James Baxter
Fave Hot Drink: any hot drink, just not coffee
Fave Food: shrimp! And many others
Fave Dessert: all desserts?
Fave Movies: MCU movies, Star Wars trilogies, Harry Potter movies and etc. I like action, psychological thrillers, comedy and fantasy genres in movies.
Fave Bands/Music Genre: it varies!
Fave holiday spot: it also varies
Star Wars or Star Trek: more into Star Wars!
Marvel or DC: leaning towards Marvel
Artworks by Redji