Glenn used to work in advertising as a graphic artist and eventually as an art director. Among clients handled are Alaska, Colt 45, Unilab and URC.
Nowadays, he's usually at home with his crazy dogs. Actually he's visually impaired (low vision), but still tries to draw as best he can.
Specialty: Traditional Illustration, Pen & Ink
Fave Tools: Pens and Pencils
Most Influential Creatives: Moebius, Manara, Mignola, Frazetta
Fave Food: Ramen, Arroz a la valenciana
Fave Movies: Original Star Wars trilogy, LOTR movies, Akira, Fight Club, Big
Bands/Music Genre: any good music (depending on the mood I'm in)
Fave holiday spot: the beach please
Marvel or DC: as long as it's a good read
Artworks by Glenn

Blackhole Astronaut

Blue Notes

Clockwork Eagle
