Glenn used to work in advertising as a graphic artist and eventually as an art director. Among clients handled are Alaska, Colt 45, Unilab and URC​​​​​​​.
Nowadays, he's usually at home with his crazy dogs. Actually he's visually impaired (low vision), but still tries to draw as best he can.
​​​​​​​Specialty: Traditional Illustration, Pen & Ink 
Fave Tools: Pens and Pencils 
Most Influential Creatives: Moebius, Manara, Mignola, Frazetta 
Fave Food: Ramen, Arroz a la valenciana​​​​​​​ 
Fave Movies: Original Star Wars trilogy, LOTR movies, Akira, Fight Club, Big 
Bands/Music Genre: any good music (depending on the mood I'm in) 
Fave holiday spot: the beach please 
Marvel or DC: as long as it's a good read

Artworks by Glenn
Blackhole Astronaut
Blackhole Astronaut
Blue Notes
Blue Notes
Clockwork Eagle
Clockwork Eagle
Segway T.rex
Segway T.rex
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